The Process

Courtney recently wrote a blog post called A Process and made an attribution to something I said while we were working on the Collaborative Writing assignment in Dr. McCoy’s class. At the time I said what we were working on was a process. After saying this I have been constantly reflecting on the process in which we have progressed and have realized it can be applied to other aspects of the class.

Dr. McCoy’s INTD class titled, The Risks and Rewards of an Academic Partnership, is relevant to what college is about and the Geneseo document we read in class. When starting this class I was unsure how to feel about it. Dr. McCoy began the class with each of the student introducing themselves and the first couple week she started class with us going through everyone’s names as a way to get familiar with each other. It felt weird at first because I had never experienced that in any of my other college classes and we all were strangers. I now am grateful for having that experience because we a small class compared to others and being acquainted with one another is important to the partnership that we are involved in as a class. Working together and not knowing each other and becoming comfortable would’ve been disastrous. In my other classes, I have had this year I could be near a student the whole semester and know not even their name. Dr. McCoy’s class allows us to discuss topics relating to the class and are working together and learning from one another. Through this class, I have become more educated because of Dr. McCoy assignment pertaining to Geneseo such as the Student Code of Conduct and Geneseo’s Mission, Vision, and Values. Before this semester and taking this class, I had not explored the various resources Geneseo and feel it would’ve been helpful to utilize them.

Coming to college has been a process where I have struggled and learned from my mistakes. Freshman year has taught me a lot about the process and I see the benefits of students and teachers working together. Each day by going to classes students are learning something new from teachers. When we don’t understand the work we can go to our teacher for help. Teachers offering office hours are a resource used to help students who may be struggling or just wanna seek extra help and by talking with a teacher they can learn things too whether it pertains to how they teach or just about the student’s life. I believe struggling is something student’s should not be ashamed of because we can learn from the mistake we make over time and have resources available to assist us if we are struggling. We are part of a community at Geneseo which is rewarding and something to be proud of. The Geneseo Mission Statement affirms, “The entire College community works together to advance knowledge and inspire students to be socially responsible and globally aware citizens who are prepared for an enriched life and success in the world.” The college as a whole is part of the process and we all struggle time to time. Together students are gaining knowledge through their interactions with other student and teachers.

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