Goal-Setting Essay

Based on what we have read since the course’s beginning, our epigraph on the syllabus “If we’re not your animals, if these are adult things, accept the risk. There is risk, Gatoi, in dealing with a partner” by Octavia Butler emphasizes that there is a big deal within one’s life, for example as a college student and as a first-generation student we have risks. This idea as college students of having the ability to take their own risks, has a huge impact in one’s life, for example having to decide whether or not to retake a course all over again or choosing between having to change one’s major, having to decide whether or not taking the risk of going to college is a risk one has to take necessarily especially as first year generation, or taking a course that has nothing to do with your major, socializing and choosing whom you can trust on campus, and the level of difficulty that challenges oneself to improve and build upon.

As discussed in class, the idea of the example of the good Samaritan law demonstrates that if any person who is unconsciously ill and needs rapid attention should be looked after for immediate care because it is demanded of the person assisting by law to perform. This example, makes me think of the same exact idea of a college student because the same exact example falls for us in the reason that college students are expected to pay attention and pass all their courses, purposely stressed by professors, but needed especially if they want to have a job or a career in the long run. As well, as for the HIPAA law if you are assisting on a patient you are not authorized under the law to discuss about your patient’s cases under any circumstances unless fully directed to do so by the patient themselves, if they specifically tell you that they would like to discuss their health information with someone else. This shows that as a doctor you are obligated to follow the rules the same way as college students have to obey certain laws and rules while they are still students on campus like for example, following the school code of conduct & while living on campus, you have to follow certain rules in most residence halls led by your RA’s (Resident Assistant) in which you can and cannot perform.

Although, all these ideas help to set some serious goals within my lifestyle routine as a full-time student on campus, and develop some critical questions for myself to better solve and act upon for this course about the risks and rewards of academic partnership because it is important for me to fully dedicate my time and participate to the best of my ability throughout this course if I want to succeed and pass the course, and know what is right or what is not right for me to do, especially if the cost is that I want to become a very successful professional leader. There are consequences and risks that lead me to take so I can accomplish my goals in order to reach that state. This class is a risk that I choose to take to reach my goal as a future professional doctor even though I am a biology major, I am required to take this course outside of my major in addition to graduating within the next 3 years. On the other hand, I am a very shy, more likely to keep to myself type of person and I do not enjoy socializing with others surrounding me as much, because I am usually afraid of what others have to think about my ideas and experiences.

In order to become successful within this course I would have to face my fears and get out of my comfort zone so that I can become a better advocate for myself and for the rest that are surrounded by me. But this is where that idea of “taking risks” comes into play and is helpful in strengthening my ability to work and put myself out there more. Being able to create a partnership with my peers gives me the opportunity of listening more to what they have to say, and once I learn from their experiences or hear of their opinions I am more likely to respond in the form of disagreeing and agreeing when entering the conversation as stated by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein where they provide templates when it comes to clarifying a specific point. Although, this concept can help others to fully understand and possibly learn from the thoughts of others and their experiences to apply it to oneself or something related.

My goal for this course is to continuously ask curious, confusing, and remarkable questions to fully be able to challenge myself in a situation where I am uncomfortable in doing so, in the fact that I have never put myself in the position to speak up for myself and ask the right questions. If I take this into consideration, I am more likely able to understand what it would feel like to receive responses and focus my attention on the phrases and the ideas that are being used by the responder. This not only can help me become a great student, but it can help me better build upon my growth of ideas and phrases or vocabulary that I am using when I am supposed to be writing papers within this course. If i am the type of person to ask more, I will receive, and if I receive more often I am more prepared to perform as once read in a book called “The Secret”. Following back to the epigraph, this falls into the whole “Adult like things” because this whole concept prepares me very well in becoming a very open-minded and a passionate person. Once I am better prepared to learn how to take risks for myself without wanting or needing to back out on opportunities, I am more capable of doing anything that I may believe that can become impossible for myself and it would only make me stronger and incredibly successful at the end. 

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