The Truth Behind College

Most students enter college with the goal of earning a bachelor’s degree and continuing their education beyond high school. But are students actually developing and gaining any real-world skills by attending college? The content taught in college-level courses can be quite difficult to master and most students don’t retain much of the information that they learned in their college courses. That late night cram session, where you had to memorize the whole general education Biology class material taught in the semester seem as though they have no significance in your life once you have finished taking the final exam. However, the critical thinking skills and experiences gained from the class will have impacted students beyond the classroom. Developing these skills is crucial for success in the workforce. Geneseo’s GLOBE claim that “Geneseo prepares students for twenty-first century challenges through the development of intellectual and practical skills that transcend boundaries and are applicable throughout our lives.” Geneseo is a liberal arts college and students are required to take different general education course that can allow them to explore the variety of courses offered at Geneseo. I think if a student is undecided or unsure of what to major in, Geneseo allows for students to dip their toes in the water and experience different course that can assist them in choosing a major.

Although, some college courses may seem pointless and irrelevant students are continuously developing skills practical to the real world. The rigorous curriculum challenges them but, also prepare them for future. Many students after college will seek employment and college provides the foundation for their success. Students are building relationships with faculty which can be beneficial to the future because who knows when one might need a letter of recommendation or reference for a job or internship. In the syllabus, Dr. McCoy advises, “ Please think of every interaction whether in writing or in-person with a member of the College staff, faculty, or administration as a professional interview. You never know when you will need to ask that administrator, that faculty member, that staff member for a letter of recommendation, a job, or some other boon.” Dr. McCoy stresses the importance of maintaining professional conduct at all times to help students build a positive relationship with professors and staff.

My experience at Geneseo has taught me the importance of building relationships with a teacher because they can contribute to my growth and future success. For example, Dr. McCoy’s feedback on the blog post has allowed me to make changes to better my writing. College has not proven itself to be easy however, the difficulties I have faced and the willingness of my professors to help has been essential to my learning and the development of skills needed for my future.

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