Study Abroad

For many students, he prospect of going to college may be that of a financial nightmare. Unfortunately, many people are unable to afford a quality college education, and most who can are faced with crippling debt. Of those who can go to college, fewer still are able to study abroad, weather it be financially related or not. Recently, a similarly related opportunity has been given to me, and I intend to take it. Every other year the geology department goes on a field trip of juniors and seniors to see geology not seen here in New York.  Having lived here my entire life, and not traveling a significant amount, I have not seen seen firsthand geology that much different than anything in this area. Next year, I will be a junior and there will be a field trip to Death Valley and the Mojave desert. I will be lucky enough to go on this trip and view some impressive geology only found in that area of the globe. While I’m not entirely sure on all of the details yet, I believe that a portion of the trip will involve research necessary for my degree. In that way, I aim to stimulate my learning and grow as a student even more than I normally would. Hopefully, this trip will provide me with that opportunity.

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