Emotions, Growth, and Writing?

I remembered our “Bloodchild”-spawned conversation about inoculating ourselves in the face of fear, worry, and anxiety when I came across this Scientific American article titled “Negative Emotions are Key to Well-Being.”

Eudaemonic approaches, on the other hand, emphasize a sense of meaning, personal growth and understanding of the self—goals that require confronting life’s adversities. Unpleasant feelings are just as crucial as the enjoyable ones in helping you make sense of life’s ups and downs. “Remember, one of the primary reasons we have emotions in the first place is to help us evaluate our experiences,” Adler says.

Read the article–is there anything you draw from it that you can apply to your writing, thinking, growing experience in this course?



An invitation to cross-check

Normally, as recommended by the how-to-blog-here post, I’d embed links in my own text.

But I’m doing something different here because I want to draw attention to what this link itself says the article is going to be about: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/social-media-makes-student-writing-worse-teachers/story?id=19677570

Go read the actual title and story. Do they match the link’s tiny summary? Is there anything to learn about critical reading and writing here?

Welcome, and how to blog here!

(The following language is adapted from Professor Schacht’s original “How to Blog Here” post): A post can be a few words plus a link or embedded video, or it can be a couple of paragraphs. It should be of interest to the group as a whole. It can contain some personal reflection or indicate a particular point of view, but it shouldn’t read like an entry in a personal diary. It should not serve as a space to vent.

Consider your audience: the whole community of folks at SUNY Geneseo (and perhaps beyond) who read, think, and write. Say something or point to something (e.g., an interview or article) that you think the community will find interesting, and explain how/why. Don’t worry whether what you have to say is “important” enough. Just be sure to keep it relevant to the community’s common interest. Continue reading “Welcome, and how to blog here!”