How Feedback Can Lead to an Excellent Academic Partnership

Throughout Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild,” the idea of partnership is explored in a unique way. Gan has just threatened to kill himself and let T’Gatoi implant her eggs into his sister, Hoa. At this point, when Gan says, “If we’re not your animals, if these are adult things, accept the risk. There is risk, Gatoi, in dealing with a partner,” he has told T’Gatoi that he wants to keep his gun so his family can protect him someday (Butler 26). This quote is relevant because it is illegal for Gan to have this weapon, so by letting him keep it, T’Gatoi would have to compromise and let him break the law. She ends up handing the gun back to him, and in exchange he allows her to implant eggs into him that night. This was the beginning of, for all the reader knows, a long partnership, as the story ends with T’Gatoi saying, “I won’t leave you as Lomas was left—alone, N’Tlic. I’ll take care of you” (Butler 29). Although different from working on a group project, they still display a partnership that will last a very long time. T’Gatoi and Gan are just one example of the way we have explored partnership this semester. This epigraph and the events surrounding it is a great representation that through giving and receiving feedback, a partnership has the ability to be very successful. T’Gatoi and Gan expressed exactly what they needed from each other and were able to make their partnership work. Throughout this semester, almost all of our conversations have explained a certain aspect of partnership and how feedback can make or break it, even if we did not notice in the moment. 

In each module, a new understanding of partnership and feedback was unlocked. Even from the very first “To the Forums!” assignment in module one we have been growing into academic partners. Although partnership is important between students, I also feel that we have each become partners with Professor McCoy in a way. In this first discussion, we shared our palimpsests, helping each other to see beyond the surface and into the depths of ourselves. After this assignment, Dr. McCoy advised me to weave in some more personal information which would help me begin the processes of unpacking my writing. This is where I believe we all began to reflect and internalize the fact that our readers cannot get inside of heads. Saying that different songs connect to certain emotions was not enough. More detail had to be added so my peers could understand just exactly what I meant by that. In They Say/I Say, by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, it says, “we suggest that you summarize what ‘they say’ as soon as you can in your text” (Graff and Birkenstein 21). For this, “To the Forums!” assignment, I used Dr. McCoy as the “they.” I used what she said and applied it to my piece to help elevate my writing. If Dr. McCoy had never highlighted areas where my piece was lacking, I would have never learned or grown from my mistake.  

We then unlocked our ability to take care in what work we put forth and the feedback we are given. Leading to the prompt in “To the Forums! 2: Foundations for Care and Good Faith,” Dr. McCoy urged us “to commit now to conducting ourselves with each other in good faith.” This is something we have carried with us into our check-ins. We are essentially being held accountable because in an academic partnership, accountability is so important to create a good end product. This ties nicely into partner feedback because, while you are held accountable for your work, you are also accountable for taking care in the feedback you are given. In “Bloodchild,” we also see this level of care between T’Gatoi and Gan. Gan is quite obviously hesitant to let T’Gatoi implant her eggs into him, but because they both cared enough to hear each other out and compromise, they ended up having a successful partnership. They Say/I Say provides good strategies to take care in the feedback we are given. One suggestion made is, “starting with a summary of others’ views” (Graff and Birkenstein 21). This is a good way to make sure you are taking care in the feedback you are given. A good end product requires feedback, because simply agreeing will never allow you and your partner to reach your full potential.

We have also explored implicit bias. Although it is not as clear how this relates to partnership and feedback, it most certainly does. Implicit bias is bias based on something that people have internalized without even trying to, as described by Professor Jerry Kang in his TedTalk that we watched for “To the Forums! 3: What is Implicit Bias?” When working in a partnership, there are always preconceived notions, which is not fair. We will instinctually want to give feedback before seeing our partners’ final draft or before we really delve into their thought process. Feedback is important, however it must be given in an unbiased manor to be most impactful. Implicit bias is always a part of many aspects of partnership, whether we want it to be or not.

 We also looked into “Rules for Partnership,” which ties very nicely into partnership and how feedback can be very impactful. We examined all the rules both students and faculty must follow, which let us look into academic partnerships between students and their professors. There are certain rules that each group must follow in order to maintain a working partnership, with give and take on each side. For example, as students must not plagiarize, all faculty-led research done “must comply with the highest standards of ethical research practice and with applicable federal and state guidelines,” as stated in the “Research Compliance and Policies” section of Geneseo’s “College Policies” page. These rules did not just appear for some unknown reason. Although there probably was a baseline for the Geneseo students and staff rules, these were likely built upon by people asking questions and providing feedback from the Geneseo community. When looping this all back to “Bloodchild,” there is also an evident partnership between T’Gatoi and Gan, each with their own set of rules. The Terrans are supposed to let Tlic implant their eggs into them in exchange for providing a safe home for the Terrans. These rules are analogous to the rules in place for Geneseo students and staff because it shows the give and take that must occur in a partnership. We do not see as much feedback in “Bloodchild,” however, I am sure compromises were made on the part of Tlic and the Terrans to come to their agreement. Although different than the partnership we are used to seeing, the partnership between the administration and the students is very strong because of student feedback over the years.  

We then gained a lot of insight from Dr. Cope, the Associate Provost for Academic Success. He shared such great information that can not only aid us in academic partnership, but also was proof of how important partnership and accepting feedback is throughout life. He explained how he works with other divisions to help aid him with their work towards student success. Even in his adult life, he is working very closely with others, proving just how important partnership is in the long run. His job focuses on making students as successful as possible during their time at Geneseo. As Dr. Cope explained to us, which I discussed in my “To the Forums! 11 Following up your 11/16 visit with Associate Provost for Student Success Joe Cope!” post, he “works to intervene when students bring forth issues about their academic experience.” This is how he uses student feedback to make sure he adjusts things properly for Geneseo students and their needs. 

GLOBE’s insistence that Geneseo students should gain practice in the ability to reflect upon changes in learning and outlook over time proves just how important feedback is. The best way to change a student’s point of view is through partnership. Within a good partnership, there should be feedback given that is reflected upon by the recipient. If all goes well, this feedback will be taken into consideration to change the student’s perspective and learning for the better. Throughout this semester, we have explored partnership in different ways than one would expect. We used unique topics like implicit bias and good faith to aid us. We even based a good majority of the class on a short story about aliens and humans living together. Some of these topics we went over did not seemingly have anything to do with partnership, yet they did. Even though I know this course is called “Risks and Rewards of Academic Partnership,” it was easy to forget this while exploring some of the topics. Now, as I reflect upon the semester, I see that each and every assignment has been progressing us towards this end goal of knowing what good academic partnership looks like. We unknowingly have molded ourselves into great academic partners using not only the modules of this course, but also by applying the feedback we have been given throughout the semester. 

Life as a Preserve (Rewrite)

In Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild,” there are many decisions made inside of a “preserve.” In “Bloodchild,” this preserve is specifically where the Terrans, or human, and Tlic coexist. The Terrans are awarded their freedom in exchange for them offering a male of the family to house Tlic eggs. Even though this is a “freedom,” the Terrans are still very trapped. They have restraints set on them because of this freedom. In this course, we are almost in our own type of “preserve.” In fact, life in general is in some ways a “preserve.” No matter the choices you make in life, they are your choices, and most will have risks and rewards. The risks are what limits choices in a way that you cannot become too overwhelmed from the power of creating you own destiny. In this course specifically, we are given lots of freedom, yet that freedom can be exactly what sets some limits. A person is always their harshest critic, so the self-evaluation aspect of this course should make me dive deeper into my writing than ever before. The large emphasis placed on care in this course gives me enough freedom that I have to make critical choices, but not too much that I do not feel I have guidance. 

Going along with the course syllabus, the first aspect of care is care for course accountability. This is probably where the most critical choices will have to be made. As stated by Professor McCoy in the syllabus, she will “offer feedback on your work, but you will assess that work, a process that depends on trust, transparency, accountability, care, and acknowledging the possibility of harm.” That alone is so much responsibility, and it needs to be handled with grace and care. Although I can make choices for myself, this almost sets more limits. Even though I technically choose how I am graded, I cannot give myself I grade I feel is undeserved. This gives me the responsibility to set my own limits and choose what is really fair for my grade. For example, if I am not keeping up with my work, even though I am self-assessed, I could not in good conscience give myself a good grade. Being held accountable is a blessing and a curse because I can choose when to do my work, but I also need to make sure I am keeping up with all my deadlines. This is similar to how Gan in “Bloodchild” knew he needed to let T’Gatoi implant her eggs into him. He was given the choice to let her implant them into Hoa, but he knew he had to hold himself accountable and could not put her at risk. Although the risks are high, the rewards have the potential to be so great that I just need to make sure I make the best of my time in this “preserve” of the course.  

Although this ties into care for course accountability, the care for self-growth is unique and important in its own way. I like to interpret this as the process of learning and thinking instead of just memorizing and repeating. Like Professor McCoy stated in the syllabus, “it is equally important to take care about process.” If I need to learn something, the process of this learning should be just as important as the lesson itself. Self-growth will not just happen overnight, it is a whole process. Although I am being provided the freedom to grow as an individual, the process of growth can be difficult to manage. I cannot just take the easy route in writing a piece, turning it in, and being done right then. I have to make sure I am double and triple checking before I turn in my first draft. Even from there I will have more edits to make and even more I can work on. This may be challenging, but it will allow me to someday have the tools I need to be an independent and hardworking person. Although these limits may seem invisible, they most definitely are not, and they will affect my growth in the future. 

With all this responsibility on myself, the care for peer growth aspect is so important. Although there is some freedom because of the ability to help others with their work, I think the important part of the peer growth is how they will help me. It sets limits for me, it will show me where changes need to be made and how to make them. It gives a level of guidance that would not be received if it were not for all of us caring about peer growth. Our discussions in the forums will be meaningful, not just for that very moment, but to help me grow in a long-term manner. These “discussions are places to bring people together sometimes as an entire class and often in smaller groups to contribute thinkING and get responses from peers,” as stated in the syllabus provided by Professor McCoy. When Qui was talking to Gan in “Bloodchild,” he provided information on a past experience he had, witnessing fetal Tlic eating their host from the inside out. This is almost an example of peer review. Qui provided Gan with information to help him make the best decision when considering how he felt about having Tlic eggs implanted in him. The main purpose of this course is to see improvement as a thinker. With the help of many different perspectives, I will be provided with the clarity I need to become a better writer. I will be able to improve my craft with all the possibilities being provided to me by my peers, while they will also act as an editing tool to help me identify the limits.  

All of this cycles back to this course being a “preserve” in one way or another. I do feel like I have more freedom in this course than most others I have taken in my life, yet there is still a sense of limitation. I don’t necessarily feel like I can just do whatever I want whenever I want. I’ve noticed myself striving to be my best for me, not for the grade. I have found that this course has allowed my brain to flourish in ways I didn’t even know were possible. It is no longer just words on a paper, its thinking through every sentence and analyzing each piece to make sure it is the best it can be, and honestly, right now they never are the best they can be. This is why it is good that I submit it for feedback, because after each assignment I have the ability to go back and make it even better. I do this wanting to feel the fulfilment of doing a good job, not looking to up my grade. Even though I may be writing and editing more than I normally would, which most would consider a limit, I feel free to be the best writer I can be. 

Life as a “Preserve”

In Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild,” there are many decisions made inside of a “preserve.” A preserve is a space where there is power, so much so that it can both make choices possible and set limits on them. In this course, we are almost in our own type of “preserve.” In fact, life in general is in some ways a “preserve.” No matter the choices you make in life, they are your choices, and most will have risks and rewards. The risks are what limits choices in a way that you cannot become too overwhelmed from the power of creating you own destiny. In this course specifically, we are given lots of freedom, yet that freedom can be exactly what sets some limits. A person is always they harshest critic, so the self-evaluation aspect of this course should make me dive deeper into my writing than ever before. The large emphasis placed on care in this course gives me enough freedom that I have to make critical choices, but not too much that I do not feel I have guidance. 

Going along with the course syllabus, the first aspect of care is care for course accountability. This is probably where the most critical choices will have to be made. As stated by Professor McCoy in the syllabus, she will “offer feedback on your work, but you will assess that work, a process that depends on trust, transparency, accountability, care, and acknowledging the possibility of harm.” That alone is so much responsibility, and it needs to be handled with grace and care. Although I can make choices for myself, this almost sets more limits. Although I technically choose how I am graded, I cannot give myself I grade I feel is undeserved. This gives me the responsibility to set my own limits and choose what is really fair for my grade. For example, if I am not keeping up with my work, even though I am self-assessed, I could not in good conscience give myself a good grade. Being held accountable is a blessing and a curse because I can choose when to do my work, but I also need to make sure I am keeping up with all my deadlines. Although the risks are high, the rewards have the potential to be so great that I just need to make sure I make the best of my time in this “preserve” of the course.  

Although this ties into care for course accountability, the care for self-growth is unique and important in its own way. I like to interpret this as the process of learning and thinking instead of just memorizing and repeating. Like Professor McCoy stated in the syllabus, “it is equally important to take care about process.” If I need to learn something, the process of this learning should be just as important as the lesson itself. Self-growth will not just happen overnight, it is a whole process. Although I am being provided the freedom to grow as an individual, the process of growth can be difficult to manage. I cannot just take the easy route in writing a piece, turning it in, and being done right then. I have to make sure I am double and triple checking before I turn in my first draft. Even from there I will have more edits to make and even more I can work on. This may be challenging, but it will allow me to someday have the tools I need to be an independent and hardworking person. Although these limits may seem invisible, they most definitely are not, and they will affect my growth in the future. 

With all this responsibility on myself, the care for peer growth aspect is so important. Although there is some freedom because of the ability to help others with their work, I think the important part of the peer growth is how they will help me. It sets limits for me, it will show me where changes need to be made and how to make them. It gives a level of guidance that would not be received if it were not for all of us caring about peer growth. Our discussions in the forums will be meaningful, not just for that very moment, but to help me grow in a long-term manner. These “discussions are places to bring people together sometimes as an entire class and often in smaller groups to contribute thinkING and get responses from peers,” as stated in the syllabus provided by Professor McCoy. The main purpose of this course is to see improvement as a thinker. With the help of many different perspectives, I will be provided with the clarity I need to become a better writer. I will be able to improve my craft with all the possibilities being provided to me by my peers, while they will also act as an editing tool to help me identify the limits.  

All of this cycles back to this course being a “preserve” in one way or another. I do feel like I have more freedom in this course than most others I have taken in my life, yet there is still a sense of limitation. I don’t necessarily feel like I can just do whatever I want whenever I want. I’ve noticed myself striving to be my best for me, not for the grade. I have found that this course has allowed my brain to flourish in ways I didn’t even know were possible. It is no longer just words on a paper, its thinking through every sentence and analyzing each piece to make sure it is the best it can be, and honestly, right now they never are the best they can be. This is why it is good that I submit it for feedback, because after each assignment I have the ability to go back and make it even better. I do this wanting to feel the fulfillment of doing a good job, not looking to up my grade. Even though I may be writing and editing more than I normally would, which most would consider a limit, I feel free to be the best writer I can be.