Mission Statements Everywhere

As I was thinking about our latest class and our discussion about mission statements, I came across the mission statement of Geneseo’s food service in Starbucks. I like to think that I am pretty good with technology, but the file with the picture was too big to post on this site. So, if anyone wants to see it for their own eyes they’ll have to go to Starbucks. Sorry!

Anyways, seeing this made me realize how seriously schools take the idea of mission statements. They define a school and what they want people to know about them, is what they include. This mission statement in particular is quite a bit different because it specifically talks about the “CAS Values” and then relates them to Geneseo overall. Some of the main points made throughout the poster include: valuing people, pursuing excellence, embracing diversity, leading with integrity and accountability, and growing through innovation. They bring together the people that work in the food service and the students and faculty at Geneseo. Each statement embodies what CAS wants the Geneseo community and those that visit Geneseo to know about them.

Although reading through mission statements for our homework probably wasn’t everyone’s first choice, at least I can say I’m glad we did. Pretty much every establishment now-a-days has a mission statement, so I challenge you all to go out and find them!


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